Static Sportswear | World Heart Day

Static Sportswear | World Heart Day

For us here at Static Sportswear, World Heart Day means Everything! The hearts of the people are forever ingrained into our Logo. An active lifestyle is the only lifestyle. Have Life & Style? Static knows that if you have Style then you probably picked up some gear from the shop already. Static tends to give more life with random giveaways, donations, and sustainability. As we aspire to be the "SPARK" that inspires others, We stand globally to talk about what has been killing us. The good and the bad. Stand up and Expand the awareness of Cardiovascular disease (CVD). As we celebrate World Heart Day, let us be reminded: CVD is the worlds leading cause of death. Static Sportswear: is founded on pushing your limits using your heart to determine your stride. You have to use your heart to beat CVD. We encourage you to find a passion that keeps you active. Take charge of heart health, unite with those who share your same passion, and Fight Cardiovascular Disease. Everyone should be moving daily, bike riding, swimming, running, skating! Pick your variations and attack them for an hour each day, maybe five days a week. Push your dedication to yourself. You are your heart! The more you push your limits, the stronger you become. Take time to close your eyes and breathe before you go. Take in that deep breath with an appreciation for your heart. As you exhale, focus on your body and the parts you move to elevate or ignite your process. Last but most important, Follow Through! Always finish strong. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself: "I am 100 times stronger today than I was yesterday!" Only when complete can you tell yourself such a strong affirmation. Think of your heartbeat as your intro music. Turn It Up. Keep the music going. Feed your heart resources by eating right, avoiding junk food, and checking your cholesterol. You can look to us for strength. We want you to succeed! Community of Athletes Nutritionists Health savviest and Yoginis: Tag us sweating in Static. Inspire those to move by loving the movement.



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